Figure Name: Captain James Kirk
Manufacturer: Playmates Toys

Mirror Kirk was released by Playmates as a KB exclusive in a Warp Factor Style box. (sorry, no boxed pic available)

The Rundwon: Another entry in the Playmates 9" Mirror Universe crew: Captain Kirk! This one's got some good going for it...and some definite bad.

I dig the head sculpt here! It's the same used on all the 9" Kirks, but it's looking especially sharp on this Mirror Universe version! The only thing that I can slightly nitpick are the lips. They have a weird dark highlight that almost gives the appearance of lipstick. Still, not too detrimental to an otherwise pretty darned good head.

Standard Playmates 9" body style here, so nothing new to comment on in that department. The outfit looks good from afar (maybe even the best of the male Mirror Universe crew members), but has some issues up close. Again, we get painted on insignias on the chest. They look kinda cheap and sloppy up close. The frills on the shoulders are a bit too pronounced as well. All these things can be missed when you look at the figure from far away though. One thing you can't miss though is the boots:

An all new Mirror boot problem! If you've followed my blog, you may have read my comments on the other male Mirror Universe crew figures. They were all given black vinyl sections on their pants to simulate the thigh-high boots worn in the epsiode. The effect is somewhat strange, but really what else were they gonna do about it? I'll tell you what else! Ignore the boots entirely like they did with Kirk here! Yep, they totally left out the thigh-high boots. A real shame because even with the tunic flaws, this one would have been my fav of the bunch... But the lack of an attempt at accurate boots bums me out.

Accessories: The same as the other 9" Mirror Universe crew- a display stand (not pictured), a phaser, a dagger, and an agonizer.
Want to read his bio? It's short!

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