Figure Name: Mister Spock (as seen in "A Piece Of The Action")
Manufacturer: Playmates Toys

Spock here was released as a KB Toys exclusive as a part of the Star Trek 9" Collector Series. (Sorry I don't have a packaged pic for you).

The Rundown: Quickly following the Kirk spotlight comes Spocko! I won't bore you by repeating my impressions of the figures outfit and such, it's more of the same here. But the head...

..I really dig the Kirk head, but the Spock is just kinda 'ok'. From certain angles the head is fine, but in others it definitely seems off. It's like the got it right just below the eyes, but there's something weird going on above them. I don't know if it's that the eyes may too big or maybe it's the eyebrows but something's a bit off. Not a terrible likeness, but not nearly as good as the Kirk. Still overall, a good figure.

Accessories: Spock also comes with a display stand (not pictured) a machine gun, a phaser, and a communicator. He also comes with a hat like Kirk, and it's even tougher to make it look good than the Kirk's was. At least with Kirk you can give it a slight tilt...

And in case you want to read the package back:

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