Figure Name: "Khaaan!" Admiral Kirk (As Seen In Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan)
Manufacturer: Diamond Select Toys

Kirk was released as a Toys R Us Exclusive by Diamond Select on their nifty all-eras-encompassing Star Trek cardback.

The Rundown: Umm, yeah. So the good first- Kirk reuses the really nice Regula-1 outfit sculpt from the wave 2 TWOK figures. It's a really sharp, screen accurate sculpt that I hope sees more use in the future (McCoy anyone?). They tweaked it a little here by adding the folded-down collar, which shows DST is at least trying to pay attention to some details. Oh, and I really like that they choose this as an exclusive; it's easy to ignore if you don't want to hunt it down, but different anough that the "gotta-have-em-alls" like me get something new.
Now the bad-

DST tried to capture the "Khaaan!" screaming look on this Kirk head and the results are quite blah. First, the head sculpt just ain't that good. It's very cartoony. Second, this figure is good for one pose:

You can have him screaming into the communicator....and that's it. Every other pose looks like this:

So, yeah, this figure is the ultimate one trick pony. I know it's going for gobs on the secondary market due to it's rarity (it was an exclusive AND it was one per case), but really folks, don't waste allot of money on this one. It's really not worth it.

Accessories: Well, he is at least loaded up on accessories. Kirk comes with a phaser, a communicator, and 4 extra hands (including one holding the wrist communicator).
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