Figure Name: Christine Chapel
Manufacturer: Playmates Toys

Nurse chapel was released by Playmates on their Star Trek 'Unified' cardback.

The Rundown: By now you should all know that I love Playmates style figures, warts and all. So when they released Nurse Chapel to help round out the crew I was quite excited! What they produced was a pretty well-done figure of an often overlooked member of the crew...

The head sculpt is pretty solid. While it's not one of Playmates best likenesses, you can still see some Majel in there from certain angles. I really like the hair though...looks allot like one of the wigs she wore as Nurse Chapel.

The body sculpt is pretty darn sharp for Playmates. They really captured the long-legs/ short-skirt look well. Plus they didn't cheap out on the sculpt for the outfit; it's unique to this figure I believe.
So, not too much to complain about on this one. It looks great with the crew set, and comes loaded with a bunch of stuff to assist McCoy with!

Accessories: Chapel comes with a tricorder, a protoplaser, a hypospray, and a medical scanner. She also comes with a medical display stand which is not pictured.
Want to know more about Chapel? Well read her package bio!-

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