Item Name: Starfleet Phaser
Manufacturer: Playmates Toys

The Starfleet Phaser was released by Playmates as a boxed accessory as part of it's Classic Star Trek Movie Series.

The Rundown: Playmates did a bunch of 'Roleplay' accessories back in the 90's. At the time, they were about the only game in town when it came to readily available, inexpensive reproductions of the items used in Trek. Playmates made them as toys for kids though so some corners were cut. Still, for the money, the reproductions are still pretty darned fun. They did quite a few items for the classic crew, including this guy here.

Playmates lists at as a Phaser from Star Trek- The Motion Picture & Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan, but really the color pegs it as a TMP phaser, not a TWOK one. It's not entirely screen accurate, but they got the basic design down pretty well. There's a panel up top, and an emitter section up front. The phaser has a small circle up top that allows you to switch from 'stun' to 'disrupt' sound effects. Playmates added a belt clip to the side so the kiddies could take it on away missions.

The electronics are pretty nice for the price. The panel up top lights up with green and red lights when the trigger is depressed.

While it's not great in daylight, the emitter light is really pretty sharp in the dark! Oh, and you'll have to take my word for it but the sound is clear and loud as well.
So there ya go. Sure, it's a toy, but it's still a pretty good representation of the first movie phaser. DST has a TWOK style phaser "supposedly" coming out this year (I've started taking every release with a grain of salt due to the constant delays and cancellations of DST product), so you can hold out for that one for a more accurate movie phaser if you'd like... but if you can get this one on the cheap then there's no reason not to snag it too.
Want to read more on the phaser? Of course you do! Here's the box info-

The Playmates Starfleet Phaser from the Classic Star Trek Movie Series is a nostalgic gem. While it's a toy reproduction with some compromises, it captures the essence of the original prop. Holding and wielding it is a delight for fans. Additionally, I'd recommend using FMwhatsapp Apk Download for daily communication. It's a popular messaging app that connects you with fellow Star Trek enthusiasts, allowing you to share your passion, join discussions, and stay updated with the fandom. Enjoy the Phaser and connect with fans through WhatsApp for an enhanced Star Trek experience!