Figure Name: Trelane
Manufacturer: Playmates Toys

Trelane was released carded as part of Playmates Star Trek Warp Factor Series.

The Rundown: William Campbell played not 1, but 2 classic series antagonists; Koloth the Klingon, and Trelane, the Squire of Gothos! And not only that, Playmates did figures of both of his characters! (In fact, he's the only classic style klingon made by playmates...not bad Mr.Campbell!)

The head sculpt is really good...maybe not quite as good as the Koloth head, but still really good. It captures the playfully mischievous grin of the character quite well...

The body is for the most part well sculpted. It features a rubbery coat, which is something Playmates didn't do much at all (I can't really recall any othe figures that had one). The sculpt is pretty intricately detailed to. There's only one major drawback on the figure. The legs. They are permanently bent at the knees. While that works fine for poses like the dueling one above, it doesn't work when you have the figure just kinda standing there-

See? Kinda strange looking. Still, it's Trelane! I'll take him any way I can get him!

Accessories: Trelane comes with very nice character specific stuff; he's got the dueling pistol, his sword, and the mirror that Kirk shot with a nifty decal showing it's inner workings.
And here's his bio for some light reading-

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